Drop Down Menu's

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Raggedstar - [TCT] [POSSK] Tear Away

Laaaaaaaaaaast again. Well, at least we weren't uploading at the very last minute. Everything seems to happen each round. Possk was away down south for about a week in round 1, evil homework attacked her in round 2, and I was up north for 5 days this round. Vegas and AIM didn't really help either. Weak!

Like with last round, this is mainly Possk's idea. It started out as just Charlie video, but seeing as the movie doesn't have a lot of scenes that do justice to his initial "out for #1 attitude", we brought in Carface too. Plus, Carface needs love too *nods*. Even though the song is about a different/better kind of selfishness (it's not a crime to look out for yourself sometimes), we fudged it to be about Charlie and Carface's greed and how it affected other characters (Carface basically tried to screw everyone over, but I focused more on Charlie than Itchy, Killer, and Anne Marie). It was the closest thing we had to a focus other than my idea of a lulzy Georgette video lol.

Most clips of Charlie are done by Possk, and Carface was with me. Naturally we switched it up a little bit.

The song is very strange to edit with. I can't say either of us were fans of it, but we just kept on truckin'. We couldn't find a nice long string of parts we could do, so I had to do a bit of jumpy editing. 3 cuts, plus it didn't start from the beginning. I hate editing like that, but meh. What we DO like was the line "God damn I love me", since it basically summed up everything, so we had to include that. Charlie's expression says "Fuck yes I'm hot stuff" (...and he is *cough*).