Drop Down Menu's

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Raggs Plays Okami [3] [Kamikaze Rapist Fish] [Tsuta Ruins]

Yep, that's what they are.

Not much left to do in the ruins now. I got lost for a little while, but get on track again in the next video for the most part. Not sure HOW I get lost (seeing as this place doesn't have many side-paths), but I did.

PS: I know I repeated myself, but there are other similarities I forgot to mention (such as the mostly text-based dialogue style, optional side-quests, and villages with lots of interactable NPCs that for the most part have no useful information). Plus, the creators of the game apparently got some influence from those games. Notice how I'm not mentioning anything about Wolf Link (Twilight Princess, which came out a year after Okami AND I STILL WANT TO PLAY IT, DAMN IT ALL!), as Okami tends to have more similarities with older games like OOT. Enough of the Zelda talk, they both kick ass.

Next video is going to be capping off the last bits of business and travelling before getting to the first boss.