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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Raggs Plays Okami [32] [Bandit Spider Round-Up] [Kamui + N. Ryoshima Bandit Spiders]

Yep, got off me arse to record some more Okami. Hope you guys had a nice holiday. I really wanted to record more over my break, but the rents decided to stay in the house a lot for some reason. In this video and the next, there will be the bandit spider fights. It's the first fight I've shown that is 100% OPTIONAL and isn't needed for plot completion.

Also, my N. Ryoshima spider commentary recording (...that I made in October) seems to have vanished, so you've been spared my excessive whining. I replaced it with post-commentary where I just talk about random shit and how much I sucked at that fight. I hate doing post commentary. Enjoy (ya right).

Info: The bandit spiders are defeated the same way as the Geisha Spider (ie the first main boss) except they need 3 vines instead of 2. Easy fights really. I just make them look harder. Ryoshima's is in a nook before the temple and near some cattle, N. Ryoshima's is on one of the islands, and Kamui's is close to Wep'keer. The 3 all require the digging upgrade to get to the arenas and after you defeat the spider you recieve a sun fragment. Returning to the arena will unlock the gate challenges where you can earn beads.