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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Gexup's 12 Days of Christmas - Top 4 Boss Fights

Happy New Year, everyone! And what a way for itstailtime.net to start 2014 with a new list by me! Today, I'm going to count down the 4 biggest highlights in (most) video games, and that's the boss fights! For me, a video game (no matter what genre it's from) needs to have plenty of boss fights throughout the experience. I've seen a lot that are great, some mediocre, and some horrible. But in this list, we're counting down my favorites ever! These are the four bosses that I worked my ass off getting through the progression of the game learning more and more on how to play each game and then at the end we get tested to see if we learned enough to face a foe much harder than the others. Keep in mind that these aren't the final bosses only, these are the bosses that given me great pleasure and honor in battling them.

As stated already, boss fights are tests to see if you're capable enough to handle all the challenges that the developer have offered. But we sometimes get so invested in the game that it doesn't look like a test anymore, but rather our journey and destination to the bosses that face our path to finishing the game. Sometimes we take these bosses as our own personal enemy, because we fell like the character, and we want nothing more than to beat their ass. But not just simply beating their ass, but we want it to be captivating, gripping, challenging, and thrilling to face them only to have us left eager to challenge them again. This is what makes these villains a character to us by showing how engaged they want us to loose as much as we want to win. A great boss fight shouldn't really be all trial and error and then hit their weak spot (Mario series), but rather an equal rival that is believable enough that can finish you off, like a bully in school. The last thing we want is a boss fight that only have a couple more hit-point than your normal enemy in the game (again the Mario series), but should be intelligent enough to strike at will and make it feel like a threat. And lastly, we want to have the biggest reward after we defeat them because nothing is like facing a worthy foe to feel so rewarding after making it this far and have complete fulfillment when victory is yours! There are so many to choose from but I only have four picks to choose as my favorite. Share with me your favorites in the forums, but here's my list!

TheHande - The Curse of Monkey Island, Finale: Pie Pan Pandemonium!

We finally finish up my favourite Let's Play of my favourite adventure game. Thank you very much to T-McBee for sharing the adventure with me.

There will be an extra bonus video on Thursday related to this Let's Play.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Litestudios - Power Rangers a Tribute to Ernie (Richard Genelle)

My short tribute to Ernie. I give a small amount of trivia on the character and actor and say my final goodbye. I'll never forget you Richard.

Gexup's 12 Days of Christmas - Top 5 Most Disappointing Last Gen Games

As stated in my last list, I am not a fan of gaming in last Gen because of all the reasons I've stated yesterday. I know that not every console generation is perfect, but if there are more negatives than positives, then the 7th generation of consoles could seize that moment! I could be the most critical person of last generation of consoles (despite my view points of being a retro gamer) because the many times I've got screwed over by developers who given me incomplete games, horrible game endings, and many more to list down! I can easily say that this could be the worst generation of gaming because of how badly abused the consumers all were and the worst part of all is there are suckers everywhere letting these corporate assholes get away with it by taking their hard working money on them. For that reason alone we're going to have many more of them and it's now time for me to move on and stop begin a modern gamer because I'm going to loose way money more than I hope for.

It's easy for some of you guys to have parents to buy them all for you, but my brother and I had jobs trying to earn enough cash to buy games that we hope would be entertaining or worth keeping, but only to feel upset to completely dissatisfied. We could have spend all those $60 worth games to get anything more valuable than these worthless interactive programs that dares to call themselves entertainment. Out here in Japan, there is no rental game store like what you guys have in America and elsewhere. Of course, we as gamers have no right to barge in and tell these developers and publishers how to make these games, so just like any media, we spend our money and we take our chances with them.

In this list, I'm of course NOT counting the "worst games" from Last Gen., because anyone can pick any shuffleware from the Wii which is a dead giveaway. I'm only counting the games that have been shoved in our faces so many damn times that they've persuaded us to buy it and towards the end, we feel like fools once we finished the game. These are the games that created so much anticipation, but turned out to be another way to takes our money from our wallets, so I'm not counting any shooter game because there was absolutely no anticipation for me to play titles like fucking Call of Duty or Battlefield to be entertained or even worthy to put in my game collection. You MUST have anticipation first in order to be disappointed and that's the only way a game from last gen to make it on this very list!

There are just so many bad games from this generation to count, but I'm selecting only 5 games from this gigantic shit pile. Instead of doing honorable mentions for this list, go replay any of Boochow's game of the year award shows and look up the disappointing games category that we've awarded and nominated because there are more than enough of them to count! With that being said, here is probably my most controversial picks and my most angriest list I've ever written! So here it is!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Shintai Rambles: Assassisn's Creed: Brotherhood, Revelations and Forgotten Sands

This is my first attempt at Shintai Rambles where I take a more casual approach to talking about games I don't intend to review much want to discuss regardless.

TheHande - White Devil Podcast #4: Anime Follow-Up Cast

We return to discuss anime in the fourth White Devil Podcast. Besides the usual suspects - RetroKaiser, Amuia and Cendoo - three guests are making their debut on the podcast: T-McBee, RaggedStar and Lindsey Mottram (a.k.a. Lindey the Red).

Click above to listen to the cast or click here to dowload the MP3.

Podcast timetable
  • Round 1: T-McBee, RaggedStar and Lindsey share Their Favourite and Least Favourite Animes
  • Round 2:
  • (0:38:23) Annoying anime clichés
  • (1:09:59) Dubbing
  • (1:22:20) What would be cool as an anime?
  • Round 3:
  • (1:40:27) Questions from the Forums

Internet Archive page!

Gexup's 12 Days of Christmas - Top 6 Last Gen Games

As we're heading for the 8th Generation of video games consoles, let's reflect back to the 7th Gen before it officially closes doors. What's important about last gen was that it was that around the time when the PS3, 360, and Wii came out, it was the first time I started to get my very own YouTube account that you all know as me, gexup. I started doing these videos because I wanted to reach out to those who remembers the many games I grew up with like Gex, Crash, Spyro, Donkey Kong Country, Oddworld, and so many more that you can just look up under my drop down name on this site. Almost 7 years later, look where I'm at now! I've reached my goal of finding those who did grew up with the games that I found so nostalgic as we relive our memories by still talking about these titles that will never end such discussion. Ironically enough, just when I left itstailtime.net so was the 7th Generation of consoles going to be taken over by the 8th gen. But even though we love to live back in the past, more often than not, we also discuss about modern games today.

My overall thoughts on the 360/PS3/Wii era has been very mixed for me and almost every criticism I have on what I was focusing on have been controversial, but worth mentioning. While I had some of the most fun time during the Xbox/PS2/Gamecube era, the 7th gen was a step up in the a technical sense of the word, but not as qualitative, as quantity flooded the 360, PS3, and Wii. There a lot of major issues for  7th gen is that the whole gaming industry was so desperate to make more money than ever before at the point where they had to change how they used to make games. For instance,

  • Releasing games that are incomplete by making us pay more for DLC (I will still remain critical for that)
  • So many horrible game endings that are there for sequel bate (Pheonix08 mentioned it on Boochow)
  • Over saturation of the shooter market (I'm sick of the COD topic and all of their competitors) 
  • Kids games are taken more childish with new gimmicks and fads that came and went (Kinnect and Wii)
  • Too much focus on multiplayer than the single player (I hate using the word "campaign")
  • PC Gaming lost a lot of popularity (multiplat, Steam, mod, and Blizzard still keeps it alive)
  • Requirement to log in whenever you play a certain game (EA and Ubisoft)
  • Installing and updating a game (seriously, PC's should be the only machine for downloading, not consoles)
  • Too many dark and gritty games and also too many shufflewares for families, and not enough games which are a balance of both.
  • Gimmicks that tried to be innovative but became a fad.
Can you see why I believe that the PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox era was a better time in gaming? We didn't have to deal with half of this garbage but the PS3, 360, and (sometimes) Wii had to punish their consumers for not paying more than $50/$60 American dollars because of their capitalist behavior and practices.  I have been very critical with last generation of gaming, but I have given a lot of attention to see if there is an exception to this new practice that the industry is doing nowadays. Fortunately enough, there are over a dozen games on this list that (probably) didn't have to deal with this sort of stuff and gave us a breath of what gaming used to be like; a complete experience on a singular copy/downloaded game. I may a lot of doubts with where the gaming industry is heading to, but it's interesting to see nowadays how it continues to have its ups and downs as you couldn't even believe how stupid many people in the industry really are (DRM for Xbox One). Since the 7th generation of consoles is the last time I'll ever become a "modern gamer" and continue to treasure hunt some of the classics that I miss the most and missed out, here are the games that weren't fools gold, but instead titles that made it to the history books! 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Gexup's 12 Days of Christmas - Top 7 Best Games for Kids

On my last list that I've done, I may have been a little to harsh on Nintendo in stating my reasons of not putting the company on my list of my 8 Favorite video game companies because they're too kiddy. Not to say that it's bad or anything, but it's for the fact that I've grown more mature at the point where I'm passed the family-friendly appeal. It's necessary to do that when you're targeting to children (and believe me we should thank Nintendo for still making games for all ages where there are just so many dark and gritty games in this era of gaming) but if you're going to release many of these add-ons and peripherals to insult our intelligence like Wii Music, Wii Fit, Wii Vitality Sensor, etc., it's clearly loosing my interest in your product.

But I must not take Nintendo today for granted because we have young kids everywhere that needs a childhood to go through and the last thing we need is to let video games to give them the wrong influence and become a bad role model. When you take a look at what's popular in games today, chances are that it's all really violent games and (speaking as a future father here) we don't want to expose such violence to make them grow vicarious at that age. The scary thing is that I've seen kids talking about playing Call of Duty that makes me wonder, how in the blazes did they let that slip pass their parents radar?! Does anyone know how much exposure to violence the kid is having in his childhood and how he would be more vicarious as an adult? I do heavily support the ESRB Rating system for protecting everyone in all ages from being exposed to such content when they don't know yet about the harshness of the world. At the same time, we just can't get rid of Rated M games all at once because that demographic is what really supports the gaming industry today and adults needs something to play as well. But just because you're an adult doesn't really mean that you should avoid playing children's games. In fact, there are so many from my childhood, teens, and even my young adult life today that I still find myself going back to playing these kid-friendly games.

Deep down inside, we all would want to go back to our childhoods, so instead of depressing ourselves by looking at old photo albums and watch/play some of our old favorites, we still have old and new games that uplifts our child-like spirits. As much as the video game press love to oversell the life out of these dark and edgy titles of today, games cater to children are selling just as much if not more than the Mature titles. Being that I'm a gamer that expands my radar with games, I'm not blind to see that there are many that are considered the greatest ever and everyone from all ages should give it a shot. This is not the best games that I've played as a kid, I'm putting on my "father's cap" for this is a list and make a Top 7 Games that I find suitable for all ages! So for just this list, here's what I consider suitable

  • No blood, gore, sexual themes, profanity, drugs, alcohol, or any other bad influences that would make an M rating. 
  • It should have a friendly atmosphere where children feel right at home. There are a lot of Rated E games that are very scary like Ocarina of Time and Donkey Kong 64 that I wouldn't let very young kids to play, or nightmares would appear in their sleep.
  • The difficulty range should be very easy in the beginning of the game, while on your journey it should have enough challenges to keep it interesting. Everything from design, controls, gameplay, features, etc. should be very well crafted instead of being another shuffleware out to make a quick buck out of families's precious money. 
  • The game should respect the player's intelligence. If developers are going to treat us like idiots like how Nintendo released those useless peripherals as stated early, then it should be avoided before kids starts to beg for it. I want my kids to learn from their games (wether or not if it's educations) they should understand how the game plays and learn how to solve puzzles. 
I know by baby-sitting experience on what games are suitable for kids, but these are the games where no matter how old you get, the game itself never gets old. So here are the Top 7 Best Games of Kids, and kudos to AlexMan94 for inspiring me to make this list! 

CJF's Top 7 Films of 2013

2013 was a great year in gaming. Though, I can't say much for films. However, there are seven that I've seen this year that I actually liked.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Gexup's 12 Days of Christmas - My 8 Favorite Video Game Companies

Well, it's the fifth day of Christmas and I'm here to give you all my Top 8 favorite video game companies. Before reading this list, make sure you read yesterday's list!  There will be no industry without the businesses that developed, profited, and marketed these products and that's what companies everywhere have done! Sometimes we love their products so damn much that we start to become followers just to see what they're working on next and where they'll be doing in the future, business-wise.

It's always news for me to hear them make business decisions, company growth, and many more! Like the rest of capitalism, we can see so much good (giving away great opportunities for business and satisfactory to their consumers) or they can be evil by shutting down development companies, give bullshit problems to their consumers, and other reasons which is greed for money. It's tough running a business because as time flies by, they're always constantly changing to keep everyone interested and keep up with the times as it continues to move forward. We can't expect anyone from any company to be the same because it's all about making money; it is their survival and way to make games. At the same time, the only reason why we even care about many of these game companies is because of the software that they've made for us. While many of us have boring lives, these companies given us virtual interactions where we feel like we're there and playing as our heroes doing whatever objective(s) to reach the goal.

Though I do want to have a favorite video game company where they have a great track record of games, but they should also act professional when they promote their games and reach audience's satisfactory! I mean, why do you think EA won a Golden Poo award for two straight years? Because they've been the biggest corporate assholes that I've ever seen from any company (and that's including factories and the unions)! To make it on my list of my favorite video game companies, they should have professionalism, great track record of video games, and customer satisfactory! Luckily enough, I've made a total of 8 companies that made me proud of being a fan and enjoying their games after all of these years! 

TheHande - The Curse of Monkey Island Part 14: Guystar Runner

In the second to last episode, we cause a natural disaster...

T-McBee - T-McBee's Top 5 Games of 2013

2013 was a good year for Video Games! Check out T-McBee's list of her Top 5 favourite video games of 2013.

T-McBee's Top 5 Games of 2013

Click Here to Comment!


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Gexup's 12 Days of Christmas - Top 9 Arcade Machines That I So Desire

Well Everyone, I hope you all had a great Christmas! If you haven't checked it out yet, take a look at the christmas present that I gave to you all on itstailtime.net. In the mean time, since it's the day after Christmas here, let me give you a list of Christmas presents that I'll never ever get; arcade machines.

 Arcade gaming is probably some of the most causal and at the same time the most difficult gaming experience you can imagine. Arcade gaming (back in the day) used to be all about pick up and play, but since the gaming industry wanted to take a much money from our pockets, they wanted to make these games to be so difficult that beating a whole game requires us to insert a lot of quarters (if you suck a playing). But at the same time, I miss arcades a lot because, unlike online gaming & home console gaming, you're able to see the players complete with each other, there is much better frame rates and graphic that consoles can't handle, there's face-to-face interactions (sometimes it can be a bad thing), and there's always something fun that gets a crowd watching you. Believe it or not, just like many Sega Saturn games, there are a ton of arcade machine that never got a console port to this very day. It sucks so much that even owning a single arcade machine takes up more than enough space in the house than your console peripherals that hasn't been used in a long time. I did talk about the ups and downs with the arcade gaming on Boochow Episode 4 so if you haven't yet, please check it out! So with that being said, here are my Top 9 Arcade Machines that I would so love to have!

CJF's Top 10 Games of 2013


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Phoenix 8 Productions - Christmas Loot 2013

Joe shows off his Christmas Loot for 2013 and gives his upcoming plans and videos.

Brony Critic

Gexup's 12 Days of Christmas - My Top 10 Hottest Video Game Women

Merry Christmas, everyone! I wish for everyone the best of this holiday. Now on the third day of my christmas special, I'm here to give you all my Top 10 Hottest Video Game Women. These are the women from video games that I want so badly to be real so that I can have them under my tree and unwrap them.

After killing so many enemies and accomplish so many objectives, somewhere in the game, developers actually created a lovely looking character that we only see in our personal lives and our fantasies as well. It is amazing how graphical programming came a long way from pixels to close realism and yet developers took advantage of bringing their fantasies into a graphical reality. The general standards of gamers have never been strong, but it doesn’t really help much when we have attractive babes seen in our video games. Not to say they’re bad, I’m just pointing out that I’m not proceeding myself as a pig who only play video games to watch video game women just to turn me on. However, just like other medias that have attractive women, you can’t simply ignore it. In fact, they grab your full attention wishing that they could be real, and video games are no different. These are the video game women that are so hot that playing as them (or playing with them as an NPC) is a dream come true. These are the women that made us players much more excited to insert the game and boot up the system just to spend as much time with them.

TheHande - CMI Part 13 & Merry Christmas to All!

For Christmas, the continuation of my favourite Let's Play...

Also, Merry Christmas to all from the members of our site!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

T-McBee - Legit Animation Blog - Top 25 Songs in Animation

In this new article of the Legit Animation Blog, I'll be counting down my Top 25 Songs in Animation! Check out which songs in animated films, TV shows and short cartoons made it to this list. Enjoy!    

Legit Animation Blog - T-McBee's Top 25 Songs in Animation

Click Here to Comment!

Gexup's 12 Days of Christmas Special - My 11 Favorite Comic Book series

Ho, Ho, Ho, Everyone! It's the second day of my winter break and today I'm doing a list of my favorite thing in the world (yes, I even love this more than video games itself!) and that's comic books. While the visuals of video games, movies, and tv shows only let's the audience to just blankly stare at the visuals, comic books and graphic novels still to this day allows us to use our imaginations from the single panels or fames, that the artist provide. I so desire to work in this industry because its the only media that requires drawings and nothing else. Since most of my fans have some knowledge on these comic book character but aren't really familiar with these comic books series, I really am doing my best trying to get you all reading this blog to know what are my favorite comic books series are

I always fell in love with comic books where I came from because they had awesome characters that dealt with stories about morals. The art visuals in its narrative are so dynamic and veritile that it's worth reading. Not to mention that getting into comic books is cheap. I mean, we have to buy a tv set in order to use our video game machines, movies, and tis, but for comics, it's only about the paper you purchased! It's an industry that was there before WWII and still is a growing franchise with so many artists and storytellers so show us the world that they want to represent. It is also sometimes the most deep and personal stories you can imagine! Whatever was going on in the past, comic books caught up on the current events and make it's own take on the story, like it's an alternative universe if Super Heroes exist! If you want any further proof of why I love comic books, take a look at this video! 

It's crazy to think that my very first comic book was actually Maximum Carnage and since then this hobby of mine turned out to be something that I grown more passionate than video games itself. Here in this list, I'm only counting down my favorite comic book series; not manga, graphic novels, comic strips, or events/short stories. We're talking about a monthly issue series that keeps evolving the character(s) and followed up with the times! With that being said, here are my favorite comic book series ever!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Gexup's 12 Days of Christmas Special - My 12 Favorite Consoles

Well, well, well… I'm supposed to be gone forever, but I finally have free time just for myself! That's right, everyone! Gexup is back for only 12 Days of this winter break. Though I don't have a proper video editor anymore, we still have itstailtime.net that's still open to everyone. Speaking of 12 Days, to celebrate one of my favorite Holidays ever, I think I would like to do my own 12 Days celebration. It's not easy being a cartoonist/comic book artist because we're always constantly drawing every single day and with only 12 days to spare, what am I going to do? Well, to surprise everyone, I'm making Top lists of whatever I want to rank down, but it's not as simple as that… For every day going by, I'll be making a list that will decrease it's number. So that means, today, I'll be doing a top 12 and the following day, I'll be doing a top 11. The numbers will keep decreasing until my final day of this Christmas break. Sounds exciting, right? Well, I took this idea from my favorite Pro Wrestling Vlogger named the Slickdaddy from Over The Ropes Show and since he started last year (and still continuing the once in a year celebration) I think it would be best if I were do to one myself every Winter break. I'm also doing this because I really miss hearing from you guys, though it was a tough decision to jump to sticking a cartooning career and abandoning my own gexup meme for the rest of my life. I do admit that there has been a lot of bad things happening to many of my favorite guys on the internet (like Bennett the Sage giving up game reviews, TMcBee no longer on Youtube, and so many more), I would love to just make all of you happy before this miserable year finally closes. Hey, if this Winter celebration goes well, then I would do it again on itstailtime.net.

So for on the first day of Christmas break, I'm giving you all my Top Twelve Favorite Video Game Home Consoles. 

Gaming Beast's Beastcast 45 - Happy Beastmass 2013

I catch up on stuff like the Batman VS Superman movie and such. Happy Beastmass to you all! Download after the bump!

Cendoo Plays Sonic R

A simple one part Let's play to test out both a new form of recording gameplay but I also got talked into putting my commentary through an equalizer so their is another experiment. Enjoy. I collect all coins and chaos emeralds

TheHande - Video-Game Trivia: What's in Poison's Pants?

Weird and strange trivia from video-games...

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Shintai - Tales of Zestiria Speculation

I am pretty excited for the new Tales of Zestiria that was just announced so I just wanted to give some of my thoughts based on the information and trailer we have right now.

Here's a link to the trailer itself for those who haven't seen it:

Friday, December 13, 2013

T-McBee - T-McBee's Favourite Game Antagonists

I like being evil. Muahahahaha! Here's a new TMB Favourites article listing all my Favourite Game Antagonists. Enjoy!

T-McBee's Favourite Game Antagonists

Click here to Comment

TheHande - Puchi Carat (Part 3 of 3): I'm a Barbie Girl

This time we didn't talk about the thing we talked about during the first break between episodes.

Monday, December 9, 2013

TheHande - Video-Game Trivia: What's in a name?

The first episode of a new series. Continuing from The History of Video-Games and Video-Game Stories, we now have Video-Game Trivia, a show of fun random factoids about games.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

T-McBee - T-McBee's Favourite Video Game Sidekicks

Video Games Sidekicks are overrated... but completely awesome! Here's a new T-McBee's Favourites naming my personal favourite Video Game Sidekicks. Enjoy!

T-McBee's Favourite Video Game Sidekicks

Click Here to Comment! 

TCTV - Strange Handheld

A strange handheld device I got ahold of somehow.

TheHande - X-com, Part 10: You have X-pired

Time to see if the Brazilian pine woods look exactly the same as the Canadian pine woods...

Friday, November 29, 2013

Litestudios - Pacman Genesis Games Review - Happy Thanksgiving

A little late but given I came up with the idea less than a week before Thanksgiving I think it turned out ok.

Pacman 2 The New Adventure
Mrs. Pacman
Pac Mania

TheHande - Branagar the Knave Audio Book (Now complete!)

My audio book project, Branagar the Knave, is now completed. You can listen to it on YouTube or download it in five instalments from Internet Archives. Branagar the Knave was my novel project for Nanowrimo 2012 and I'm still in the process of writing the novel's sequel Allison the Rogue.

I hope you all enjoy my work and please leave comments at the forums.

Direct dowload links for the five Acts of the novel in MP3 format:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

TheHande - The Beast Within, Part 8: Deutschmarks the Spot!

Best opening to an episode yet... take your time, Dean. Take your time...

TCTV Weird USB Gamepad

A weird USB Gamepad I found at a thrift store! Leave comments in the forums. Thanks for watching!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ducktales Remastered - Classy Review

ClassyQuinn is back, but now he's in a Quack!... sorry... that was awful

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Cendoo & Joe Two Guys in Hats MMPR Vlog Green With Evil

Episodes 17-21 Green with Evil. Mighty morphin power rangers vlog. Do they hold up? Heck yeah! Also, this is the first video I record with my new camera. On a side note, I actually had the flu while doing this so cut me some slack.

I know, we forgot to mention the laugh :/

Phoenix 8 Productions - The Gallifreyan: A Shade of War Pilot

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who as well as the Season 4 premiere of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Phoenix 8 Productions has created a pilot for a Doctor Whooves audio play inspired by SqueakAnon and PierceSmoulder. Reaction and response will be used to determine whether the project is continued.


To contact Phoenix 8 Productions, email:

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Shintai - First Impressions: Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus (PS3)

This is a first impressions of Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus a 3rd person shooter/ platformer developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony.

Shintai Anime Room Discussions: School Days

Today, Shintai host of The Anime Room discusses School Days with David, host of Sex God anime reviews.

School Days is an infamous and controversial slice of life anime based on a visual novel of the same name. It twists typical slice of life conventions to create a "unique" show.

Please be sure to check out David's channel and his anime reviews:

Cendoo - Weird Al: Bad Hair Day Review

What is this? Yes, it is Cendoo doing something completely different. A written review! But, we can go over how this came to be later, now its time for Weird Al.

Let me just start by saying, I love this guy. He was the first musician I ever got really into and this 1996 album is one of my favorites. Not every song on it is a masterpiece so to speak, however it still has a great collection of tunes that have not aged in the slightest. So, with that being said, let us take a run down of each song.

Amish Paradise

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Cendoo & Joe Two Guys in Hats MMPR Vlog Switching Places

Mighty Morphing Power Rangers Episode 16 vlog. One more dud episode before we get to the masterpiece. On another note, this is the final video to be recorded on my old Sony camcorder since now I've got a new HD one. Farewell old friend, you've served me well these past 4 years.

Shintai - Mondo Cool Team Reviews: Resident Evil 6 (PS3, 360, PC)

This is a review of Resident Evil 6, an action horror game published and developed by Capcom.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

TheHande - White Devil Podcast #3: Anime

On the third ever White Devil Podcast, me and my guests discuss anime of all shapes and sizes.

Special guests returning from WDP#2: RetroKaiser, Amuia and Cendoo

Podcast timetable:
  • (0:07:20) Our first animes
  • (0:35:08) Our favourite animes
  • (1:05:23) Our least favourite animes
  • (1:39:32) Questions from the Forum

Saturday, November 2, 2013

COD Ghosts will be 720p on Xbox One - OMG BRO SUCH A BIG DEAL - Classy Ramble(ish)


Cendoo & Raggs Play Pokemon Light Platinum Part 8:Surprise Attack From Above

One sided trading.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Classy-Review: The Typing of The Dead: Overkill (In Depth)

Probably the only review of this game you will need...


Darabka - Let's Play Zafehouse Diaries Team 1: My D&D Group

Let's Play Zafehouse Diaries Team 1: My D&D Group

I wish you all a very spooky Hallow-Beast fellow Beastians! I will attempt to see how far I can take some of my fellow friends and internet masters in the brutal Zombie Apocalypse of Zafehouse Diaries.
Questions and Comments here

Monday, October 28, 2013

TheHande - The Beast Within (with RetroKaiser), Part 1: Ginger Werewolf

Me and RetroKaiser have some serious laughs with the second Gabriel Knight game, The Beast Within...

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Cendoo & Raggedstar Play Pokemon Light Platinum Part 6: Water Stone

Take note this episode was recorded a long time ago so some of the things we say are outdated. Also, I apologize for my audio breaking up at parts.

Cendoo & Joe Two Guys in Hats MMPR Vlog No Clowning Around

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Episode Vlog

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Shintai - Reviews: Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness

This is a review of Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness a grid based strategy RPG developed and published by Nippon Ichi Software.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

TheHande - Bottom-10 Worst Jumps to 3D

Follow-up on the previous Top-10. Now let's look at the jumps to 3D by 2D games which just didn't work out. Click the heavily armed worm to read the list...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

TheHande - Top-10 Best Jumps to 3D

Time for a top-10 of games that made the transition to 2D to 3D succesfully. Click the heavily armed Worm to read the list...

Monday, October 21, 2013

GamingBeast - The New Heroes of Thair (D&D) Session 4

The Heroes fight a tortured creature from hell, and get involved in a mystery.

Enjoy the 4th session of my current D&D campaign.

Joining us in this Quest in the Land of Thair is:

-Critical Failre as Daeron the Elf Cleric

-Jerry Terryfying as Mungore the Human Barbarian

Comments and questions here

TheHande - X-Com, Part 7: The X-pendables

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013

Sonic Lost World reviews: SHUT UP ABOUT CALL OF DUTY!

I'm sick to death of people always bringing up Call of Duty whenever a hyped game gets a low Score, when Call of Duty has literally nothing to do with it.

T-McBee's Top 10 Terrifying Moments in Video Games

T-McBee is once again posting a countdown for Halloween. This year, I'm here to list down my Top 10 Terrifying Moments in Video Games (Both Non-Horror and Horror Games). Enjoy! 

TheHande - Top-10 Good Bad Movies

LiteStudios - YGS #60 audition video

My audition for jackfilms Your Grammar Suck #60

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

TCTV Games They Don't Sell on Steam Anymore

The concept of rare games on Steam is a little weird. Anyway here it is! Comments go in the forums!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Shintai Reviews: Tales of Xillia (PS3)

This is a review of Tales of Xillia the 11th Mothership title in the Tales of series.The Tales of series is a series of action RPGs with combat similar to 2d fighting games.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Cendoo & Joe Two Guys in hats MMPR Episode Vlog I Eye Guy

Mighty morphin power rangers, episode 9 I eye guy. Does it hold up?

Joe's Twitter http://twitter.com/firebirdmarx

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

White Devil Podcast#2 - Horror Films

I'm joined by RetroKaiser, Darabka, Amuia and Cendoo for the second ever White Devil Podcast where we discuss the various sub-genres of Horror Films and some of our favourite movies.

If you want to dowload the MP3 directly click here White Devil Podcast#2 - Horror Films or visit the official page at Internet Archives.

Not sure if you'll enjoy it? Then watch this preview of the podcast

TheHande - Mega Mand 5, part 8: "In Fahrenheit, you scumbag!"

We finish up with the finale of the Let's Play!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Joe's Vlogs - Legend of Korra Book 2, Episodes 1-4

Joe begins his look at the Legend of Korra series once again with Book 2's season opener 2-parters.

Episodes 3 & 4 - Civil War, part 1 & 2

Shintai Reviews: Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PSP, PC)

This is a review of Ys: The Oath in Felghana, a reimagining of Ys III: Wanderes from Ys. This game was developed by Falcom and published by XSEED Games.

GamingBeast - Action Hero Fighter Session 1 - Power Force

Had the first open Playtest of Action Hero Fighter and it was epic! AHF is a pen and paper roleplaying game Im developing. It simulates the awesome action movies of the 80ies and 90ies. Join Magnum Powerstone (played by Alex Swingle) the tough brawler and Adrian Stryker the inventive sharpshooting, chainsmoking grizzled cop (played by Jordan Lennard ) as they face the Ninjas of the Scorpion Venom Clan and their leader the Master Ninja Cobra, who has their friend JuJuan Gamboa the tough ex Cuban Mobster slash deadly FBI Agent (played by Aksel Planch Jørgensen but not present for this game). This is the second playtest but the first public one and it was alot of fun. I learned alot and it will help to advance the development of the game.

Write your questions and comments.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Cendoo & Joe - Two Guys in Hats MMPR Episode Vlog a Pressing Engagement

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Episode 4, A Pressing Engagement Vlog. How does the episode hold up? CRYSTALS!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Joe's Written Reviews - Planes

It is no secret that I am a fan of Pixar films. In fact, I would go so far as to call myself an obsessive, having watched every film in their lineup with the exception of Monsters University.

However it is also no secret that I have honestly felt that the last few Pixar have fallen a little flat to my expectations. Cars 2 was exceptionally lackluster and Brave felt more like a Disney film than what we have come to expect from Pixar. However seeing as Planes was made by DisneyToons Studio, not Pixar, my statements thus far are rather pointless to the current discussion.

Planes is set in the same world as Cars and Cars 2, my two least favorite Pixar movies. It follows the adventures of Dusty Crophopper, a cropduster who…say it with me… dreams of being more than he was built for. He gets his chance when he becomes a part of the Wings Around the World race. He becomes the underdog of the competition and through...say it with me… his heart and tenacity, he comes out on top and shows everyone what he was truly capable of.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, this film is STOCK! There is absolutely nothing original in this plot. Not one thing in this story is a twist on the standard underdog sports story. If you've seen a sports movie, you have seen everything Planes could have to offer. There are absolutely no surprises, everything happens when you imagine its going to happens.

This film commits perhaps the greatest sin any film with any sort of association with Pixar could make - playing safe.

Not only has the story been done to death, but so have the characters. Dusty is the nice guy snarker with a big heart. Chug, is the stupid but well-meaning friend. El Chupacabra is the eccentric nutter. Been there done that.

Arguably, the most interesting character in the story is probably Skipper, Dusty’s grounded trainer, who essentially plays the same role that Mickey does in Rocky. In fact, his background is probably the best part of the movie. This is perhaps one of the first animated movies in either Disney or Pixar’s lineup to deal with a battle in World War II and it is very interesting and compelling to watch. Unfortunately the scene is short and the film doesn't do much with it beyond exposition dump.

While the film does look lovely (it looks like a Pixar film), the film just doesn't compare to what I've come to expect from either Disney OR Pixar. And the fact that this film announces a sequel, Planes: Fire and Rescue, in the FREAKING CREDITS doesn't help the situation.

Whether this film should have been direct-to-DVD or theatrical, I am honestly conflicted. The film’s animation is theatrical quality, the soundtrack isn't too bad (a bit too rock heavy, where Cars was a little too country heavy), and this has perhaps the first Disney/Pixar animated war sequence. But the film is stock and predictable as hell.

If you can find it, watch it. But if you can’t find it, you aren't going to miss much.

MOVIE RATING: Borrow/Rental

Werewolf and The Cannibal - Pages 11-15 uploaded

Brand new pages of Werewolf and The Cannibal are up.

Gamingbeast & Kaiser play Saints Row the Third (Part 5)

Fried Hotdog man and an armored pussy....cat! ;)


Leave comments here

TCTV - OUYA System Review

Thoughts and observations about the OUYA after a week or two of use.

Amuia - Mighty X Force Marvel Universe 2k14 Site

I'm going to be writing two new fanfics for a new site. 
Also, here is a video explaining things

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cendoo & Joe Two guys in hats: MMPR Vlog High Five

the second episode of mighty morphin power rangers. Does it hold up? I apologize for the background noise.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Gaming Beast's Beastcast 44 - Gexup's final appearance ever!

This is the final Gexup interview and his final farewell to everyone. We talk about our top 5 movies and top games for various consoles, and other stuff. Downloadlink after the bump!
If you have any questions or comments, or just wanna say Gexup goodbye one last time, post it here

Captain Kaiser's Let's Play Cruise Ship, LIVE! Episode 3: Darwinia (PC) and Drunken Robot Pornography (PC)

Warning: Contains no Pornography or Drunks.  Recorded live: 09/21/2013.
Make sure to leave a comment or a game suggestion over at the forums.

TheHande's Top-10 Videos from Aqualung

Paying homage to my favourite YouTube reviewer. You will remember Aqualung from the White Devil Podcast.