Drop Down Menu's

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Raggs Plays Okami [0.5] [Wow, I Uploaded Something!] [The Story So Far]

Still working on the title for this. "Raggs Plays Okami" seems fitting, but it's not a full LP. Bah, whatever.

Well, here we are with my first Okami video recorded with Easycap (which has become my new toy lol). I'm still working out some decent settings for recording, since even though the quality is pretty good, Vegas doesn't seem to like MPG files (and for some reason, WMM does). Did the same for my Sly Cooper ladder video. And for those that didn't get the memo, this is being recorded directly from my PS2 and not on an emulator like Spyro was.

This isn't an actual part since there are no bosses or dungeons included (which is the main idea of me playing). With responses from my input video, people showed positive response to showing some cutscenes and summarizing the story. Since there is about 1-2 hours or so of gameplay included at this point with NO BOSSES, I decided to make one video to include it all. There is a huge gap between the beginning and Waka (the first sub-boss), and I promise you that the gaps aren't THIS big. Waka's fight isn't that hard with my health the way it is, but I'll just include the cutscenes before/after the fight anyways.

Next Video: Waka (Agata Forest)