It's safe to assume that there won't be many parts left. Dragon Shores and the remaining skill points are all that remain to be covered. The perfect boss skill points (ie not getting hit) aren't particularly interesting with superflame, yet are rather difficult to get without. I do have recordings that I made last year of me taking down Gulp and Ripto without superflame (to get a perspective, my 45 lives went bye bye), but they have no commentary. I'll put in some background music or something. Either vote for using those videos, or to do a live commentary with permanent superflame (no, I won't do live no-superflame).
As for what'll happen after, it's going to be no more LPs. I'm an AMV maker, so I'm a little out of my element. Perhaps a boss run (perhaps sub-bosses too) of Okami or something in the future.
(and for those that don't know about everyone's favourite (former) Insomniac staff member Dan Johnson, I'll put links later. It's pretty funny, but I'm tired right now. If you're not patient, google him yourself)