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Monday, January 28, 2013

Raggs Plays Spyro 2: Riptos Rage [40] [...Wow]

...that didn't happen. None of you can prove it!
(WARNING: Again, teh squeakness might be hard on ears if set on high volume)

Finishing up Cloud Temples, including a short rant about weird, random, inter-movie slash pairings seen in AMVs, fanfics, etc. The full rant will be coming soon to a channel near you (eventually...meaning we haven't decided or recorded it yet). Lol, I'll be waiting for the whole "Wtf we can do what we want" (called an opinion don'cha know. It's my outlook on the situation and not a personal attack *rolls eyes*) and perhaps "Ur racist/homophobe" (saved for the select few idiots that can't tell the difference between random slash and racism/homosexuality).

In this video:
-All gems in Cloud Temples
-Rant about...what I said above
-Last orb (ringing the bells)
-Yet another instance of pure Raggedstar-brand stupidity

PS: Grr, I always have to keep editing the description because I say Cloud SPIRES instead. I'm also getting bad at using 2009 instead of 2010 and mixing up my Spyro game numbers (said 2 instead of 1. When I usually talk about Spyro 3, I tend to talk about Spyro 2 too since the games are similar [/worthless defending self])

Recorded February 17, 2010.