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Monday, January 28, 2013

Raggs Plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage [25] [Ugh, Just Kill Me Now]

Oh wait, a glitch beat me to it. Yes, my first death is in true Raggedstar fashion: random, stupid, and full of fail.

Although the concept of this glitch isn't NEW, this is the first time it happened to me (figures, now of all times). I know Exploit1080 had similar stuff happen to him in Fracture Hills during his Spyro 2 LP (hitting the satyr in a weird way and falling into the lava during the cutscene). Apparently similar situations happened to others.
Look at 4:04

I think ButterflyIllusioned said Skelos Badlands. I checked through my videos and I couldn't see any more for this level. If I'm wrong, tell me roughly which video and I'll correct myself next video.

In this video:
-Most gems in Skelos Badlands
-Bone collecting
-Skelos Badlands talisman
-2 skill points (flame the cacti and beating the catbat quartet)

Death Count: 1 (Skelos Badlands. DAMN YOU GLITCH!)

Recorded December 31, 2009