Since the recording of Shady Oasis was only 13 or so minutes long, I decided to cut a little off the end and continue on with Gulp so I could make it a pair of 11 minute videos instead of 6 minutes (perhaps it was the sugar cookies that had me hyped up).
In this video:
-One orb (chasing the thieves)
-A rather ungraceful victory against Gulp
-Entering Winter Tundra
NOTE: Yes, I'm aware that there are 2 skill points during this fight, but since I was close to dying a few times, I didn't want to be a sitting duck for Gulp while I aimed at Ripto (and the rockets are horribly inaccurate for such a small target). I'll go back with superflame for the sake of completion. Plus, I did try to get through without getting hit, but that obviously didn't happen (no, I will not commit Spyrocide half a million times until I get it right for these videos).
'Nother Note: The cosmos thing came from a very random convo Shado and I had over AIM. It involved AMVs, Bambi, ESPN, bloodcults, 6teen, and the cosmos. If you're on SFF, you'll know what we mean.
Recorded February 3rd, 2010,