Nothing much in this video really. The homeworld is really small and not a lot going on here, so it was a good oppertunity to try out Fraps (a screen recorder). In short, the whole recording was 18-19 minutes (2 parts, and most Winter Tundra levels should be 2-4 parts depending how much I screw up) and roughly 10 GB. Ran it through Vegas and each part was about 230 MB (roughly the same size as a typical part with the other recorder I used). I experienced a little lag, but not too much. Video quality SEEMS to be better and the aspect ratio might be a little different too. Any opinions? If there is a lot of positive input, I'll keep using it.
In this video:
-Learning headbash (last ability)
-Scoping out the levels
-All orbs in Winter Tundra (in the rock, on the waterfall, and on the castle ledge)
-Gem faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaailure
Recorded February 7th, 2010.