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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Joe's Written Reviews - Star Trek into Darkness

To ensure continued and unique content for both It’s Tail Time and Phoenix 8 Productions, I have decided to do written reviews of new theatrical releases that I see. Cinema in Review will be reserved for older films available on DVD.

            I can think of no better film to start my written reviews with than Star Trek into Darkness. J.J. Abrams has hit it out of the park with this science-fiction spectacle that may in time even rival the classic Star Trek films.

            The film follows the adventures of the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise as they go on the hunt for a dangerous Federation terrorist. Their adventure takes them deep into Klingon space, and into the middle of a conspiracy that could destroy them all.

            The story is well-written and expertly paced. The plot creates the right amounts of tension and nostalgia to please both Trekkies and non-Trekkies. It assists in the character arcs of both Spock and Kirk, who have come a long way since the first Star Trek. There are plenty of references and nods to the original series, and while one is very heavy-handed, they work very well and feel natural. They manage to give this a feel all its own while still honoring the legacy of this nearly half-century institution.

There is a twist in this movie that I will dare not reveal, but I honestly could see it coming from a mile away. Regardless of that fact, it is perfectly executed and makes this film so much better for it. You will not be disappointed.

All of the characters are great. Kirk and Spock are spectacular and gain a great deal of character growth, with a friendship that feels real and natural. Uhuru and Sulu both get amazing and surprising development in ways I couldn’t possibly have seen coming. Scotty and Chekov are incredibly funny; while Carol Marcus joins the crew in a strong, yet heartfelt performance.

But of all the characters, Benedict Cumberbath as Harrison steals the show. He just owns the damn thing and I would recommend this film just for his performance alone. He manages to come across as vicious and bloodthirsty, while also possessing a charm and emotionality that makes it hard not to root for him.

You will not be disappointed. See this movie in theatres if you can, and buy it on DVD at your earliest capability.

The Rating: MUST BUY!!!