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Friday, February 1, 2013

Raggs and Possk Play Portal 2: CO-OP [1] [Two Monkeys With Portal Guns]

Oh sod it, let's just put more gaming videos here. Not like I have the energy to make AMVs right now anyways.

Bad news is that I can't think of any more entertaining games to make a fail reel out of.

Good news is that Possk and I both fail at Portal 2 and are entertaining enough to make videos. Since the playthrough has a whole lot of nothing (neither of us have played the co-op campaign, so we got stuck frequently) I decided to put it here as a highlights/fail reel sort of thing so it doesn't drag on. I saved only the good bits.

This is only half of a full play session, and we did two of them (and we're not even finished the game yet) SO EXPECT MORE OF THESE. The second bit is less than 5 minutes because I can't upload things longer than 15 minutes (blame Nihon Ad Systems for that).