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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Raggs Plays Okami [17] [Ammy The Dragon Slayer] [Orochi]

FALSE ENDING! FALSE ENDING! Those of us who played without spoilers or any idea how long it was, admit it, we all thought this was the end of the game. I remember myself I finished at just under 20 hours my first time, and then thinking "...no fucking way..." when I was shown that this is only the first major arc (out of 3 major arcs: Orochi, and then eventually Ryoshima Coast and Kamui). This is just like in most other bloody Zelda games where you THINK you're done, but the bad guy has something up his sleeve and you have so much more to do (such as the whole 7-years thing in OOT and being dragged into the Dark World in LTTP) *shot*. But ya, none of us really minded, right? The game only gets more epic from here.

The beads are coming off! I'm serious this time lol. After 100 years, it's Ammy vs Orochi round 2, and even though she's weaker than her former self, so is Orochi. The result? Will there be more fail in this miserable place? You'll have to see.

I've been giving a lot of love to the reflectors (which is unlike me), but with the fight's prize, I'll be pretty much using the swords from now on. Just my style of fighting.

Info: Even though it's sickeningly long and filled to the brim with cutscenes, this is still one of my favourite fights in the game even though it isn't very challenging (well, most things in this game aren't very challenging). Orochi's fight is pretty busy since at any given time, you could be hit by the effects of two heads (depends on the head of course). The way you defeat them is the same, which is to get them stone drunk and then start attacking. Man, isn't that epic? In the next stage, they no longer use elemental attack and then just snap at you (and naturally, their reach is still pretty good. I'm getting attacked by heads I'm not even focusing on). Then you have a Susano thing and one of the only times you'll use crescent for battle progression.