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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Raggedstar - RockDawg::Lycos Fang Preview -V3-

See? I wasn't just talking big when I said I would finish this. If you want to get most/all of the angles from this video, read on.

This is a revisit to an idea I had waaaaay back when I only edited using 4 sources. It was meant to be a bit of a commercial/trailer/preview to my studio and showing every bit of footage I have. Each footage source had it's own little section and it became very balanced. I revisted it once in 2008 (just before I merged with RockDawg), but the format was more like a general AMV and not something really special. I was planning to revisit the idea again (using a similar format as before) using Nara, but that just...didn't happen. This song I could manipulate more anyways.

Oh boy, I'm tempted to make a rambling video to describe every angle and thought I put into this video. Really, so much thought and organization was put into this video, and I'm quite proud how it turned out. I don't sleep much by the way.

A bulk of this video wouldn't have been created without reading the song's creator's blog (http://blog.christophertin.com/2008/0...). He described the song being broken up into the seasons, and the lyrics and singers reflected the said season. What I did was break up my footage sources into seasons, give each season a colour and a texture. Changes in attitude and pattern indicate a transition between seasons (like yellow and red means summer to fall). I also made my own personal spin and including the gypsy singers, drummers, and dancers to build up from the end of spring to "The Dance Of The Seasons" as well as other things done with my own personal interpretation of this beautiful song. This is the way I organized things.


Dry grass


Dance Of The Seasons:
Represents falling of leaves (ie the smaller clips) and last celebrations before the dead of winter.


Showing of every clip. The show movies are piled onto the regular show.

Return To Spring:
Using the first footage source from every season and then ending back at spring.

All textures used in this video I created by taking various pictures of nature.

I don't make sub videos, but thanks for watching, commenting, and just enjoying my videos. I don't reply to every comment, but I try to read them all and give a silent thanks. You can almost consider this as a typical "Thank you" from the Raggs to you.

I think I need a nap.