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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Raggedstar - GDW - In The Water - Tribute to Weed and Jerome

*notices that Sovngarde Song is getting more than 4x as many views as her other videos* SO, I HERD U LIEK GINGA VIDEOS?

Check out Anadel here!

So this is a very spur-of-the-moment video. I normally spend months planning, but I wanted to test Sony Vegas 11 with a fairly easy song (well, this is harder than I thought) that for once wasn't Miracle of Sound. Let's give Gav a break, k? I first heard it from The Walking Dead Season 2: Ep 1 (and if you haven't played these games, do so) in the credits and trailers. Check 'em out on Bandcamp, bought the song, and here we are. I wanted to use this song, and this was the best I could think of.

This song has a heavy undertone of forgiveness and trying to move on. I tried to work it in with the relationship of Weed and Jerome. Not a perfect fit (there isn't a "lie"), but close enough. Jerome betrayed Weed's trust and the message he wanted to promote. I would like to emphasize that making emotional videos with GDW is REALLY hard when your material looks so fucking derptacular x___x. Not to mention that it's REALLY hard to find good Weed and Jerome moments, so as you can tell I had to fudge a lot.

Also, you may notice the lack of Animax watermark. You like? That's from the new GDW DVDs I bought last year. In case anyone asks, these will NOT be circulated. These clips aren't in good quality (the colour is also a little different) and PAL DVDs are notoriously difficult to rip.

Song: In The Water
Artist: Anadel