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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Boochow Radio Podcast - Episode 35 - Pokémon Extravaganza

Boochow Radio Podcast - Episode 35 

Download MP3 Boochow Radio Podcast - Episode 35 - Pokémon Extravaganza 

After a long hiatus on coming back to Japan, Gexup and Amuia has brought Highwings & Raggedstar to talk about the Pokémon franchise from generation 1 through 3. But before they do that, they'll make sure to mention many of the news that has happened since their absence of the show... cough... cough... Xbox One... After that, they begin talking for hours about the nostalgia that they had with the series as children, talk about the original Gameboy games on Red, Blue, and Yellow, talk about the merchandises they collected when they were kids, the anime show, Gameboy games with Silver, Gold, and Crystal, The Pokémon movies from 1 - 3, and finally discuss about Pokémon ruby. This has been an episode that Gexup has always wanted to make and now finally got a chance. So please, be prepared to hear gexup praise and criticize Pokémon and hear some of the best jokes that Highwings has offered in this episode. This is up to date the longest episode of the Boochow Radio Podcast ever and it's because there's so much to talk about Pokémon and since all four of these people grew up with the franchise, be prepared to hear in long detail about this franchise phenomenon!

Mailbag Audio

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This is the first time that the podcast went too long so that we have to divide this episode into two parts because this is the audio where we read and answered you mail in our mailbag segment. This will only happen once because the length of this show was so long filled with nostalgia. Everybody was tired towards the end of the show so we had to answer your questions on a different recording on the following day. So, this was the first time that we had to do an episode in two days. We managed to get Gexup, Amuia, Raggedstar, and Highwings back, but we also managed to get a new special guest to read your questions on the show. This shows how much we love and care about Boochow and our listeners of the show. Since it has been a long time since we've had a new episode we minus well should have an episode for this long for you guys!

Highwings's Blooper
One more thing, we got Highwing's funniest moment in a separate file as a blooper so enjoy this funny clip!

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