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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Video Game Genres - Survival Horror

part 2

(Episode 3) This is an action-adventure sub-genre with horror elements. Happy Halloween, everybody & what better way to celebrate than to talk about some scary games and Survival Horror is a great pick. But this video isn't just about Survival Horror, but also other Horror genres in general before Survival Horrors that terrified gamers back in the day. Because there's more to horror games than Survival Horrors; we can't forget about these old scares and just focus on one genre. So in this episode, I'll be talking about the origins of Survival Horror with text-based adventure games, to horror point-and-click adventure games, FMVs, first-person shooters, and what game started the Survival Horror phenomenon, and most of all what makes a Survival Horror game and over-analyze the downfall of horror Less
games in general.