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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Oddworld Quintology (Part 2) - Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee review

Before watching this review PLEASE watch Part 1 of the Oddworld Quintology first before watching this review because in this review I'll be comparing this game with the past Oddworld Games.

Finally, the long awaited Oddworld Quintology Part 2 has finally arrived. In this part of the Oddworld Quintology I'll be reviewing Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee for the Xbox. The reason why it took me so long to do this review is because the information on this game was very little and some part of the review I never got a full answer so don't expect that I have them all. Usually when I review a single game, it takes about up to 15 minutes, but since there has been SO much that hasn't been mentioned about Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, I have to step in and finally talk about this forgotten game that everyone seems to overlook or never really thought of. Clearly this game is more than meets the eye and it's something that many 3D Platformer fans, such as I, could enjoy.
Part 3 of the Oddworld Quintology is going to me reviewing Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath and unfortunately it's going be a long time till that review is posted because like Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, there's not enough information about the game and it's going to slow me down on this tight schedule of games I want to review. So enjoy Oddworld Quintology Part 2 Munch's Oddysee.