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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Zookstar's Top 6 Animated Animal Villains

Well it's been a while since I actually did something on this site. I am continuing my Animated Animal Movie reviews but right now, I'm trying to get a life and be more productive in real life, so it may take time. In the meantime, I had some ideas of a Top 10 to do and this is the one I picked first. I've always been a fan of villains, especially in animation. In fact, animated movies have given us the most memorable villains out there, mostly from Disney. And because I'm such a furfag, I decided to showcase my Top 6 Animated Animal Villains. Why 6 exactly? Because the 6 I picked are not only the best animated animal villains I consider in my opinion, but also some of my most favourite villains in general. So let's check out these furry fiends!

Number #6: Cat R. Waul from An American Tail: Fievel Goes West (1991)

I may get flack for this, but I feel this is one of the cases in animation where the sequel is actually better than it's predecessor. Especially when it came to the villain. I honestly found the villain in the first American Tail to be rather boring and forgettable. Cat R. Waul on the other hand, proved to be the polar opposite, because of his classy style and attitude, with his villainy hidden under that appearance. In the film, he promises the mice a whole new community when in reality, it's a trick so he and his cat henchmen can feast upon them like their normal feline instincts. What I love about this character is that he can still pull off his attitude well even when he's being threatening and evil, and with John Cleese providing the voice, it's simply unarguable.

Now, there is a scene in the movie where the singing of Fievel's sister, Tanya touches his heart which shows he has somewhat of a heart unlike most villains. But still, Cat R. Waul is still one of those bad guys who pulls off a gentlemen attitude with a stroke of villainy buried under it all. However, there is one scene with the character that I just can't help but go WTF:

I'm not sure whether to find this random or kinky. Well in any case, Cat R. Waul is one hell of an underrated villain.

Number #5: Professor Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective (1986)

While Cat R. Waul may have put more of an emphasis on attitude than villainy, Ratigan takes both these two traits and balances it out to make for one heck of a kickass baddy. This guy has gotten a lot more popularity in the Disney fanbase these days and for good reason. This guy pulls off some of the most funniest and comedic lines while also becoming a rather bloody thirsty monster inside when things don't go as planned. One biased reason is all in his voice actor, the late Vincent Price. Not to mention, his song The World's Greatest Criminal Mind is perhaps one of my favourite Disney villains songs of all time, as it describes all the evil doings he's committed in the past.

And yet, you can't help but enjoy the laughable moments he brings. Especially with the scenes where he loses his temper over someone referring to him as a rat, which are definitely the highlights. But even with the hilarity, he is someone still not be messed with. Especially to those unfortunate victims who suffered a fate after he summons his cat Felicia to eat them. And the finale battle with him and Basil proved that he is quite the violent fighter. So with that said, Ratigan has truly earned his spot on both this list and in his popularity for both his style and treachery.

Number #4: Discord from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Yeah yeah, I know he's reformed now, but back when he was in his villainy, he truly shined in the spotlight. When I first watched The Return of Harmony when it first aired, my interest in the show grew even stronger thanks to this guy. He is like what you get when you take The Genie from Aladdin, giving him the motivation of The Joker (except without the violence) and put him in the universe of My Little Pony. You get the biggest troll in animation next to Bugs Bunny, Discord!

Being the Creature of Chaos, his main pleasure in life is using his powers to humiliate and/or manipulate his victims for his own amusement. And his first appearance really showcased that. When he freed again from being turned into stone by Princess Celestia, he wreaks more havoc on the world and it is up to the main 6 characters to trap him. But this time, Discord brainwashes them all to become the complete polar opposites of who they are (for example, Applejack starts to lie and Rarity becomes greedy). Much like Ratigan, even with all these acts, you can't help but join in the fun and enjoyable style he has. Like the Genie, he has a habit of breaking the fourth wall and pulling out random things to add to the comedic affect. In fact, dare I say it, he steals the spotlight more often than the 6 main ponies themselves. Then again, it's why he's also spawned a fanbase of his own.

It's such a shame that he was only evil for one episode, and then later he had to be reformed because of some "use for his magic" reason Celestia said. I would've truly liked to see more of him in his evil self before that happened. Well at least he still has that style and attitude he's been known for. But I still love him best when he was evil.

Number #3: Shere Khan from The Jungle Book (1967)

If I had to pick my favourite Disney villain in the Disney film canon (which means not counting the sequels), it would have to be Shere Khan.

Say what you will about Maleficent or Frollo, but Shere Khan, in my opinion, is perhaps the most badass among them. You may have noticed most of the villains on this list have an attitude of a comedian or a gentlemen. Well, in terms of being a gentlemen and evil, Shere Khan pulls these two traits off the best. He has a hatred of men due to their ability of making fire, which is his only fear. When he's not afraid though, he pretty much rules the jungle. He is a powerful killing Bengal tiger that would no would dare ask for a fight. And what's more is he doesn't need anyone to accompany him. He's pretty much one of the few Disney villains who doesn't have a bumbling, comedic sidekick to do the dirty work for him. All he needs his is brute strength, killer attitude and he's set. And I can agree with a lot of people that his best scene was his conversation with Kaa the snake (another great villain who sadly didn't make the list). And when the final battle with him ensued, I can tell I got a lot of people saying that it scared them half to death, even more so than the Night on Bald Mountain scene from Fantasia. Heck, he's also one of the few Disney villains who doesn't killed offscreen or killed in general.

I'm glad he did return in the direct-to-video sequel (even though I still think that movie sucks balls) and with Tony Jay surprisingly voicing the role, and he did a neat job almost levelling up to George Sanders. I don't think there's anything else that needs to be said as Shere Khan pretty much speaks for himself. Go tiger!

Number #2: Mirage from the Aladdin TV series

Yet another seriously under-appreciated villain! Perhaps one of my favourite animated TV series, Aladdin has brought a memorable cast of villains. From the Greek genius Mechanicles to the magic collecting sorcerer Mozenrath, it was probably the highlight of the show. The one that takes it for me though is Mirage. An anthropomorphic Egyptian cat who claims to be the "Queen of Evil". Much like Discord, her main pleasure in life is using her magic to take control of people's minds or destruction for her entertainment. But she is much more sadistic and cruel with it and she despises faith, hope and anything containing positivity. She is also very intelligent and therefore hard to outwit (with a few exceptions).

Two of my favourite episodes with her have to be Shadow of a Doubt and While the City Snoozes. In the former, she creates a huge black obelisk that it's shadow will erase anything out of existence if going into the shadow. As Aladdin and the others go and find a way to stop it, Mirage creates an illusion of Agrabah and Aladdin's friends before Aladdin could save the day, and makes the challenge all the more difficult. And in the latter, she creates a music box that sends the entire town into a eternal slumber as long as the music box plays, and that if woken up, will turn into a sleepwalking state and try to destroy Aladdin. With all that, how could I NOT put Mirage this high on the list?

Out of all the villains in the series, no doubt Mirage comes on top as the most sadistic and most manipulative one of the bunch, that she has definitely earned the title as "Queen of Evil". Heck, I'd go as far to say that she's WAY more evil than Jafar himself! And that's saying a hell of a lot.... Not to mention, those curves are to die for. ;P (Ok, ok, no furfaggotry I promise).


Number #1: Zira from The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride (1998)


But seriously, am I part of the minority who thinks Zira is WAYY better than Scar? I thought she was way more of a badass and threatening villain then Scar ever was. When you look at it, Scar didn't really have much of an evil attitude to him. He merely just came off as a dull figure who moaned like a child a lot even after he took over the Pridelands. The only thing he did that was evil was killing Mufasa. Zira, on the other hand, is the complete polar opposite. She was deep in revenge, bloody thirsty and a powerful leader. Not to mention intelligent as well. She venges upon Simba and having him killed to avenge Scar's death.

Watching The Lion King 2 as a kid, I can say it's my favourite Disney sequel of all time ever since. With animation that's actually decent, new characters that aren't pointless and a soundtrack that actually comes close to being as good as the first one (only with one song I remember not liking too much). But Zira and the other villains in the movie, it was something that the villains the first movie should've been. Nuka was the only one to provide comic relief and still did a decent job (hey it's Andy Dick so meh), Vitani, although didn't get too much screen-time, was the interesting and sly one of the bunch. And to top it all off, Zira being the awesome leader. And I think her song My Lullaby is where she shines the best!

I'm going to say this right here right now. This is possibly my most favourite Disney villain song of all time! Yes, I'm going there. Look, Hellfire from The Hunchback of Notre Dame is the best in terms of describing a villain's desire so deep that it drives him to insanity, but in terms of describing the style and personality of the villain, I'm sorry but My Lullaby takes the cake for me by a milestone. That is probably just me though. But still, her song basically describes that pain, despair, torture, agony and death are music to her ears. Compare that to Be Prepared from the first movie which talks about Scar promising the hyenas food.... Need I say more?

I think Zira is one of the reasons why I'm interested in female villains, along with Mirage. They tend to be more sadistic and more merciless than their male counterparts. And Zira showcases that perfectly for me. That's why I consider her my most favourite animated animal villain of all time.

Well that was my Top 6 Animated Animal Villains list! I hope you guys enjoyed seeing another list from me (since I've barely done one in years) and feel free to tell me your favourite animated animal villains as well, if you have any. So this is Zookstar saying peace, ciao, hasta laviesta and any other goodbyes in different languages!